Friday, March 18, 2011

New Knife Completion: "Top Banana" Kershaw Lahar

I'm pleased to announce the completion of my first bolstered rescale project.  This knife is a recently discontinued (and unfortunately so) Kershaw Lahar.  Ordinarily, the Lahar is pretty plain-Jane, sporting black G10 scales with a black pocket clip.  For this knife I drew inspiration from my car, a Dodge Daytona Charger, which is black and yellow.  I added black bolsters onto a yellow G10 scales, polished up the pocket clip and reprifiled the handle slightly to create a very attractive EDC knife that perfectly matches my "Top Banana" Daytona Charger.

For those interested in rescale jobs, I am taking a limited number of orders for rescale jobs.  Work starts at 50$ for basic liner lock scales with a single color of G10 and goes up in price.